Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Don't Be Afraid!!!!

Thank you for joining us today. We are delighted that Lee Binz has taken her precious time to share so many personal experiences with us from her home schooling journey. She has so much insight into the daily preparation of home schooling through high school.

I invite all of you to visit her website listed at the bottom of this post. Let her know what an encouragement she is to your home school. If you would like a personal chat with Lee, she has free office hours on Wednesdays. Remember, Lee has many awesome resources to help you in your quest for home schooling through high school.

We will not be broadcasting next week. It is our "rest" week from BlogTalkRadio. However, we will be airing our next program on May 5Th at 1:00pm EST with special guest Barbara Smith. She is a homeschooling mother of 13 children....and one little angel in Heaven.

In addition to home schooling her wonderful blessings from God, she has written a fabulous book entitled Polkadot Star Flowers . This book is wonderfully entertaining and written with a Christ centered message to help all people in so many areas of life.

The topic of our show will be home schooling a large family and how to do it all!!! This is sure to be an awesome program filled with many ideas to make home schooling super-sized families manageable! LOL!!!

For more information on Barbara and her book, visit her website at the bottom of this post.

Thank you and have a wonderfully blessed home school week!

Dana Carroll


The Holy Bible (NKJ) ~~~Barbara Smith~~~ ~~~Lee Binz~~~