Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Encouragement From The Heart~~~Unveiling Unit Studies

Thank you for joining us today on "Encouragement From The Heart"!

Foundational Scriptures:

Psalms 27:7,8 & 14
Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice!
Have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
When You said, "Seek My face",
My heart said to You, "Your face, Lord, I will seek.

Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say on the Lord.

In this episode of Encouragement from the Heart, we unveil the marvel of using Unit Studies in our home schools. We discovered how to implement Unit Studies to invoke a yearning to explore the study topic far beyond the unit itself. Also, we discussed various websites that can be used to help us gain a wealth of inspiration while planning and preparing for our unit study. Below is an outline of how to use a Unit Study within your home school.


***Unit Studies Do Not Necessarily replace core curriculum...Math, English, Grammar, Phonics.....***

Deciding what Unit Study to teach:

Take into consideration ----- 1. Your Child's or Children's age...or ages
2. What is Developmentally Appropriate
3. Decide the length of time you will be teaching the Unit
4. Time of the year you are teaching


Focus on the Basic materials of the unit Study
Stay on topic
Pan to reinforce concepts taught in the core curriculum
Gather and abundance of resources
Use Guidelines, lesson plans, or and outline
Make sure Unit is taught systematically/ with order
Always check out the resources to make sure they fit your faith and what you want to teach
Prepare for the "What if" flexible
Remember your other core curriculum....make sure it doesn't overlap and overwhelm your kids

Why are Unit Studies so effective in Retention Skills?

Children retain information because learning is presented in various forms. Unit Studies adapt to all learning styles and teaching methods.
They gain a solid understanding of the topic being taught
All Ages are taught together---Assignments will be age appropriate.

Unit Studies are enjoyable!!!
Have Fun with them!

Sites for Review:

Cindy Downes Unit Studies

Amanda Bennett

Homeschool Helper

The Homeschool Mom

J. Anne Huss


All of the Above Websites

The Holy Bible (NKJ)